When we were contacted about Bobby, he had been in shelter for some time... an old hunting dog with tail cropped to non existence, bad teeth and poor sight. So past his best, he was discarded and unwanted left to see his days out in a pen. He was outside with just a concrete pad and a makeshift hut. He was getting on in years so this was not ideal. We agreed to take him in.
So a couple of weeks later his transport was booked with the help of the girls in the shelter. They were so pleased to see he had a chance. Well in the coming weeks Bobby didn't settle very well. He took a dislike to some of the pups and this caused friction and several push abouts. It was a good job he hardly had any teeth... nobody got hurt. Just a lot of grumbing.
We tried for weeks but could not take our eyes off him when out with the others. It got quite difficult to manage until we teamed him up wiht Nala, an old SMS girl that was also a bit snappy. They were like an old married couple.
Now, 3 years later on they are both more mature and calm and settled. They are a wonderful part of the family. Bobby's sight is rather bad now but it doesn't stop him having fun. Once he has found his special toy for the day, he will not give it up, even when asleep. He now loves his doggie brothers and sisters. He loves cuddles and snoozing, he is a sweetheart.